As more people explore the depths of mindfulness and meditation, many are discovering that adding a little green to their routine can deepen their connection with their thoughts, emotions, and overall experience. Whether you’re looking to relax, tap into your creative side, or simply be more present, combining mindfulness with your cannabis journey can take your experience to a whole new level. In this blog, we’ll explore how to practice mindfulness while high, and break down how integrating mindfulness and meditation with cannabis might lead to a more intentional, reflective, and fulfilling experience. Let’s dive into how this synergy may enhance the effects of being high, offering a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you.

Understanding the Connection Between Cannabis and Mindfulness

Cannabis and mindfulness are like two sides of the same coin, both offering a pathway to relaxation, introspection, and a deeper connection with the self. The calming effects of cannabis may make it easier to slip into a mindful state, where distractions fade, and your attention naturally turns inward. Whether you’re meditating or simply practicing mindful awareness, cannabis might help quiet the noise of daily life, allowing you to tune in to your inner world with greater ease.

At the heart of mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, and cannabis has a unique ability to bring you into that space. When you’re high, the world seems to slow down, giving you a heightened awareness of your surroundings and your own thoughts. This can be incredibly powerful for mindfulness, helping you to anchor yourself in the now rather than being pulled into the past or future. By focusing on your sensations and environment, cannabis may enhance your ability to live in the present moment, which is the essence of mindfulness.

While the combination of cannabis and mindfulness might sound like a modern trend, there’s some science to back it up. Studies have shown that cannabis might affect the brain’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in mood regulation, stress relief, and overall well-being—all key components of mindfulness. Additionally, some research suggests that cannabis may help increase awareness and sensory perception, making it easier to engage in mindfulness practices like breath awareness and body scanning. Although more research is needed, these insights suggest that cannabis may be a valuable tool for those looking to deepen their mindfulness practice.

How to Practice Mindfulness While High

When practicing mindfulness while high, it’s helpful to follow a few simple steps to ensure you get the most out of the experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you fully immerse yourself in the present moment.

  1. Setting the Scene: Creating the right environment is crucial for any mindfulness practice, especially when cannabis is involved. Start by choosing a space where you feel comfortable and won’t be interrupted. This could be a cozy corner of your home, a quiet spot in nature, or even your favorite room with soft lighting and calming music. The goal is to minimize distractions, so turn off your phone, dim the lights, and let yourself fully sink into the moment. Remember, the more serene your surroundings, the easier it will be to connect with your inner self.
  2. Breath Awareness: One of the simplest yet most effective mindfulness techniques is focusing on your breath. As you inhale, feel the cool air filling your lungs; as you exhale, notice the warmth leaving your body. Cannabis can amplify this experience, making each breath feel more significant and grounding. By centering your awareness on your breathing, you can anchor yourself in the present moment, letting go of any external distractions or worries. The soothing effects of cannabis can help deepen this focus, allowing you to experience a profound sense of relaxation and peace.
  3. Body Scan: A body scan is a powerful way to connect with your physical self, and when you’re high, it can become an even more immersive experience. Start at your toes and slowly work your way up, paying attention to how each part of your body feels. Notice the sensations—whether it’s warmth, tension, or a tingling sensation—and observe without judgment. Cannabis can heighten this bodily awareness, making it easier to tune into the subtle signals your body is sending. This practice not only enhances your connection with your physical self but also helps release any stored tension or stress.
  4. Observing Thoughts Without Judgment: One of the core principles of mindfulness is observing your thoughts without getting attached to them. As you practice mindfulness while high, you might notice that your thoughts seem more vivid or intense. Rather than getting caught up in these thoughts, simply observe them as they pass by, like clouds drifting across the sky. Cannabis can make this process easier by helping to soften your inner critic, allowing you to observe your thoughts with a sense of curiosity and acceptance rather than judgment. This non-judgmental observation can lead to greater self-awareness and emotional clarity, making your mindfulness practice even more effective.

By incorporating these mindful practices into your cannabis experience, you can create a more intentional and reflective journey, leading to deeper relaxation and self-awareness.

Meditation Techniques to Enhance Your High

If you’re new to meditation or just want some extra support, guided meditation can be a great option. With countless apps and videos available, you can easily find a guided session that aligns with your goals—whether you’re seeking relaxation, creativity, or simply a peaceful escape. When combined with cannabis, guided meditation can take you on a journey, helping you focus on specific themes or visualizations that complement your high. The soothing voice of a guide can also make it easier to stay focused, especially if your mind tends to wander when you’re high.

You can also try different tactics. For starters, mantra meditation involves repeating a simple phrase or word, known as a mantra, to help you maintain focus and enter a deeper state of meditation. When high, mantras like “I am present” or “I am connected” can resonate more deeply, grounding you in the moment. The repetition of these mantras can help quiet your mind and keep you centered, allowing you to fully embrace the introspective effects of cannabis. It’s a simple yet powerful way to merge mindfulness with your cannabis practice.

On the other hand, loving-kindness meditation, or Metta meditation, focuses on cultivating compassion and sending positive thoughts to yourself and others. Cannabis can amplify the feelings of empathy and connection that this practice encourages, making it easier to open your heart and mind. Start by directing loving-kindness toward yourself, then gradually extend those feelings to loved ones, acquaintances, and even people you may have conflicts with. This meditation not only enhances your sense of compassion but also promotes a deep sense of interconnectedness, which can be profoundly enriching when experienced in an elevated state.

These meditation techniques are designed to complement your high, allowing you to explore different aspects of mindfulness while enhancing the effects of being high. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, insight, or a deeper connection with yourself and others, these practices offer a variety of ways to enrich your cannabis journey.

Tips for Combining Cannabis with Mindfulness and Meditation

  1. Start Small: When mixing cannabis with mindfulness or meditation, it’s essential to start with a lower dose, especially if you’re new to this combination. This approach helps you avoid overwhelming sensations that could distract from the mindfulness practice. By starting small, you can better gauge how cannabis affects your focus and relaxation, gradually increasing the dose as you become more comfortable.
  2. Be Intentional: Before you begin your mindfulness or meditation session, take a moment to set an intention. This could be something as simple as “I want to relax,” “I want to explore my thoughts,” or “I want to connect with my inner self.” Setting an intention helps guide your experience, giving your session a purpose and helping you stay focused on your goals. Cannabis can deepen your connection to this intention, making it more meaningful and impactful.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Cannabis can sometimes cause dry mouth or a sense of dehydration, which can be distracting during mindfulness or meditation. Keep a glass of water nearby and take small sips as needed to ensure you stay comfortable and focused throughout your session. Staying hydrated not only enhances your physical comfort but also supports your overall well-being during your practice.
  4. Journal Your Experience: After your session, consider jotting down your thoughts and reflections in a journal. This can help you process any insights gained during the practice and track how different strains, doses, or meditation techniques affect your experience. Journaling can also serve as a valuable tool for personal growth, allowing you to explore your thoughts and emotions more deeply over time.

By following these tips, you can create a more mindful and intentional experience when combining cannabis with meditation. These practices not only enhance your relaxation and self-awareness but also help you build a more meaningful connection with yourself and the world around you.


Combining mindfulness and meditation with cannabis offers a unique and powerful way to deepen your connection with yourself and the world around you. By understanding the natural synergy between cannabis and mindfulness, practicing mindful techniques while high, and exploring different meditation methods, you can create a more intentional, reflective, and fulfilling experience. Whether you’re focusing on your breath, observing your thoughts without judgment, or immersing yourself in a guided meditation, the addition of cannabis can elevate your practice to new heights.

If you’re curious about how these practices can enhance your next cannabis experience, don’t hesitate to give it a try. Start with a lower dose, set your intention, and choose a technique that resonates with you. The journey into mindfulness and meditation with cannabis is a personal one, full of potential for growth, relaxation, and deeper self-awareness.

Why not experiment with different strains, meditation techniques, and settings to discover what works best for your unique experience? Each session offers an opportunity to explore deeper levels of connection, creativity, and peace. The Hemptender is a great place to start. So, light up, relax, and let mindfulness guide you on your next cannabis journey.