We get this question a lot: should you mix THC with Amanita muscaria gummies? In the world of natural highs, THC and Amanita muscaria mushrooms, usually found in gummies, each have their own unique vibe. THC is the go-to for a mellow, euphoric buzz, while Amanita muscaria offers a more mystical, introspective experience. So what happens when you mix these two— and more importantly, is it safe? While some claim it’s the ultimate trip, others warn it can be a recipe for sensory overload. In this blog, we’ll dive into the pros and cons of combining these substances and why sometimes, less is more.

What Happens When You Mix Amanita Muscaria and THC?

Mixing Amanita muscaria with THC isn’t like pairing wine with cheese. The effects of Amanita muscaria are already quite unpredictable, ranging from dreamy euphoria to intense introspection. When it comes to tripping, set and setting is everything. If you’re in a good headspace with people you trust and in a safe environment, you’ll usually have a pretty good time. 

On the other hand, you have THC, which affects everyone differently. For some people, THC is a good way to lighten up from a sour mood, but for others, it causes anxiety because it slightly changes the way you think. While it isn’t as intense as a trip, it can sometimes feel very euphoric and mellow, or it can feel racy and uncomfortable. 

When you take the two together, you’re operating on two different waves. Mushrooms tend to give you a somewhat zoomed-out perspective, while THC can put you in your head. THC may reamplify a mushroom trip, especially on the comedown, but it can also change it in ways you might not find enjoyable under the influence. 

THC amplifies the effects of mushrooms, and mushrooms amplify the effects of THC—sometimes in ways you don’t quite anticipate. While some might enjoy the heightened visuals or the deeper introspective state, others could find the experience overwhelming or disorienting.

Should You Mix THC With Amanita Muscaria Gummies? 

At the end of the day, the choice is yours! If you’re a thrill seeker and you know your body and your limits, you might enjoy it. On the other hand, if you enjoy one or the other, it’s not always necessary to muddle up a clean experience. 

These two substances interact differently with each person’s body and mind, making the experience highly individual. If you’re someone who’s comfortable with both substances separately and enjoys pushing the boundaries of your experiences, you might find the combination intriguing. 

However, for most people, enjoying them separately may offer a more controlled and enjoyable experience. Consider your tolerance, experience level, and what kind of experience you’re seeking before deciding to mix them.

When to Consider Mixing 

We don’t recommend taking both THC and Amanita muscaria gummies at the same time since they amplify each other’s effects. You’re more likely to slip into a bad trip when you take them together since the onset of both substances is already strong on its own. However, for a lot of people, THC does have a place at the table when it comes to coming down from a mushroom trip. 

If you find yourself feeling tired after your trip but want to reignite the effects, a puff or two from a vape or a joint will usually suffice. Small amounts of THC can help smooth out the comedown experience, but large amounts may cause you to trip again but in a different, sometimes unpleasant way.

Timing is everything. Ideally, wait to take THC until you’re fully coming down from your Amanita muscaria experience. Enjoy the clean, dreamlike, and introspective effects of the mushrooms on their own. If you experienced a hard trip or feel a harder transition back to reality, THC may help you to relax and enjoy the final bits of the experience, allowing you to think about what you experienced and get the maximum effects from it. 

THC may help ease the transition back to reality without overwhelming your senses. If you’re going to mix the two at all, it’s better to wait. If you try to mix too early, you might reignite the trippiness when you’re ready to wind down, leading to a more intense or even uncomfortable experience. Take your time, let the mushroom effects settle, and then ease into your THC session.

Is It Safe to Take Amanita Muscaria and THC Together?

Generally speaking, mixing the two together isn’t necessarily harmful if you’re taking small amounts of both. However, larger quantities of each can have potentially dangerous effects. Mixing two powerful substances always comes with risks, especially since both substances amplify the other. 

Amanita muscaria is different from your typical psilocybin mushrooms, and its effects are more erratic. When combined with THC, you’re essentially rolling the dice on how your body and mind will react. While some users report enhanced trips, others might experience heightened anxiety, confusion, or nausea. It’s crucial to know your limits and start with small amounts if you’re curious about this combo.

We recommend leaving the mixing to the DJ. 

Potential Benefits of Mixing Amanita Muscaria and THC

For those who’ve found the right balance, mixing these two might lead to a more profound, immersive experience. THC’s relaxing properties might help ease into the Amanita muscaria trip, reducing the chance of a bad time. Plus, if the mushroom’s effects start to fade, a little THC can help maintain a gentle, calming buzz as you come down.

Potential Side Effects of Mixing Amanita Muscaria and THC

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. The combo can be intense—sometimes too intense. The potential for paranoia, disorientation, or feeling out of control is real. Some users report feeling trapped in a loop, where the trip feels endless or overwhelmingly powerful. It’s easy to underestimate the effects, especially if you’re not experienced with either substance.

How Much of Each Should You Take?

If you’re set on mixing, start low and slow. For Amanita muscaria, consider taking less than you would if you were just taking it on its own. A small dose of THC—think a single puff or a microdose of an edible—can be enough to feel the synergy without tipping into uncomfortable territory. Everyone’s tolerance is different, so finding your sweet spot takes some experimentation.

Is It Safe to Drink Alcohol with Mushrooms and THC?

Mixing alcohol with mushrooms and THC is a risky cocktail. Alcohol can dull your senses, making it harder to gauge how high or trippy you really are. This can lead to overconsumption, dehydration, or an uncomfortable mix of too many substances. Alcohol is amplified by THC, too. You run the risk of greening out and blacking out. The way mushrooms affect your body can make you a bit numb to your physical senses, causing you to not feel hungry, tired, thirsty, hot, cold, or intoxicated from alcohol. It’s ultimately a very dangerous mix, and you should never mix alcohol with mushrooms or THC on their own, let alone together. If you’re looking to keep the vibes positive, skip the booze when you’re already experimenting with Amanita muscaria and THC. 

What should I do if my trip becomes overwhelming?

If you start feeling overwhelmed, remember to breathe and try to ground yourself. Find a comfortable, safe space, and consider having a sober friend around to help you through it. Drinking water, eating something light, or taking CBD might help take the edge off. For most trips, simply changing your setting can help. Step outside or go to a different room, and find something else to take your mind off of things as you calm down. Trip sitters are very helpful in this area. 

Can I microdose Amanita muscaria and THC together?

Microdosing is an option, but it requires precision. Start with very small amounts of both substances and see how they interact. Some users find microdosing both together provides a subtle, more manageable experience that enhances creativity and mood.

How long does the combo last?

The effects of Amanita muscaria can last anywhere from 6 to 8 hours, with THC effects peaking within 2 to 3 hours— unless you take a THC gummy. Those can last up to 8 hours. If mixed, expect a prolonged experience that could last up to 12 hours, depending on the dose and your body’s chemistry.

Final Thoughts

While mixing THC and Amanita muscaria can create a unique, intensified experience, it’s not for everyone. Each substance offers its own special trip, and sometimes, keeping them separate might be the best way to enjoy their full effects. If you’re curious, proceed with caution, start small, and always prioritize your safety and well-being. We don’t recommend mixing these substances together, and nothing in this article is intended as medical advice. If you mix these substances, you do so at your own risk.